Director's words
Hello fellow snow loving friends,
I am more than happy to welcome you on our Montreux Riviera Swiss Ski School website.
As you may already know, our main goal is to take you through a wonderful snowy journey where you can experience some unforgettable memories. To achieve this aim, we are following a simple but nonetheless effective guide line:
Safety - Fun -Performance
We believe that in order to progress on snow, one must feel safe and comfortable, laugh a great deal, and experience the sheer satisfaction of attaining one's objectives, whether big or small.
So come ride with us and we will share together some magic moments on the snow.
Ketsia Pasquier-Désilets

Ketsia in few lines :
More than 22 years of proved experience as a ski, snowboard and telemark instructor.
Graduated with the Swiss Federal Brevet of Snow sports professor.
Graduated with Swiss Snow Sports Director traning programme.
Graduated with the Swiss Federal Diploma for sport school director.
Member of the official J+S Vaud education team.
Member of the Sport de Neige Vaudois education team.
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